Brent Hitchcock Brent Hitchcock

Memories for a lifetime

Elevate your wedding with the sophistication of a private bar, as well as offer real time mementos with a private photo booth built right in!

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Brent Hitchcock Brent Hitchcock

Add some rustic charm to your middle ga wedding

If you’re looking to add some rustic charm to your wedding, reunion, or party, the rust tap mobile bar is a great choice! It’s a great photo Opp, conversation piece, and plain out memorable addition.

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Brent Hitchcock Brent Hitchcock

Build your BusINESS better

Do you find yourself struggling with your Wedding business? I found myself struggling and was ready to give up. I was unmotivated, always had knots in my stomach when people would ask how my venue was doing and hated the idea of even going to it. I felt like a failure. Nick and Kate Storey helped me find the motivation again. They may be able to help you too!

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Brent Hitchcock Brent Hitchcock

Is your dream a summer wedding?

Having your wedding outdoors can be truly beautiful, even in the midst of summer. Georgia can be hot, but with planning you and your guests wont even notice.

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